Fünf Fragen an Evelina Kurgonaite

Fünf Fragen an Evelina Kurgonaite

Evelina Kurgonaite

Evelina Kurgonaite

You founded W@Competition as a platform for women professionals in the competition field. What was the impulse for that?

There are a lot of women professionals in the competition field – most certainly as many as men, if not more. As a university professor, you can observe how very many female lawyers graduate from your programme. Yet, we see disproportionately few women in lead positions of the profession and just as strikingly few women among speakers at competition conferences, and few of them are part of networking events – and I could carry on with examples of how this basic math doesn’t add up.

Event organisers complain that they struggle to find women speakers. So I thought we should help find them – because they do exist, and in large numbers! I realised that one way to try and break this vicious circle is to create a platform for women professionals to be found, heard and/or seen at least once. That’s what www.womenat.com or W@ is there for: